About Us

AHLI KETEKNIKAN KESELAMATAN KOMUNITAS INDONESIA (AK3i) is a consulting services institute providing various services for oil and gas, mining and chemical  industies, marine construction/fabrication.
In cooperation with an approved training provider (PJK3/ LPK/LDP), we provide various training courses and profession certification.
Our group of business are also member of Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi (LSP) ICOOSH, LSP Energi, LSP OSHE Nusantara, British Safety Council and the International & Risk Safety Management (IIRSM).
AK3i  is capable of providing Health, Safety & Environmental consultancy and training services in the following fields:

HSE Consultancy Services
·         Development of Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SMK3 PP 50/2012, ISRS, OHSAS 18001/ISO 45001)
·         Development of Environmental Management System (ISO 14001)
·         Development of Quality Management System (ISO 9001)
·         Development of Process Safety Management (API 750)
·         Development of Integrated QHSE System
·         Development Contractor Safety Management (CSMS)
·         Safety Engineering Review
·         Perform HAZOP, HAZID, FMEA, PHA/What If, FTA/ETA
·         HSE System Performance Assessment
·         Project Safety (Project Execution) Plan
·         Incident Investigation
·         Safety Inspection
·         Development and Assessment of Fire Protection & Fire Fighting maintenance System
·         Etc.

BNSP Training and Competency Certification for oil & gas craftmanship and HSE professional
·         Technician
·         Electrician
·         Instrument Technician
·         Mechanic
·         Power Generation Mechanic
·         Production Operator
·         Logistic & Warehousing
·         Welder
·         Pipe Fitter
·         Civil Technician
·         Radiography Interpreter
·         Corrosion Inspector
·         Corrosion Engineer
·         Process Safety Engineer
·         Construction Safety Engineer
·         HAZOP & HAZID Specalist
·         OHS Professional (Inspector,  Supervisor, Manager)
·         Industrial Hygiene Practitioner
·         Food Handler
·         Human Resources Professional
·         Productivity Professional
·         Hospital Safety Professional

·         Sea Survival (SAF 001)
·         Fire Fighting (SAF 002)
·         Designated First Aider (SAF 003)
·         Behavior-Based Safety (SAF 004)
·         Hearing Protection (SAF 005)
·         Personal Protective Equipment (SAF 006)
·         Industrial Hygiene Fundamentals (SAF 007)
·         Offshore Safety Induction (SAF 008)
·         Hazardous Material Control (SAF 009)
·         Electrical Safety (SAF 010)
·         Welding Safety (SAF 011)
·         Construction Safety (SAF 012)
·         Respiratory Protection (SAF 013)
·         Rigging & Slinging (SAF 014)
·         Scaffolding Safety (SAF 015)
·         Helicopter Landing Officer (SAF 016)
·         Emergency Management (SAF 017)
·         HSE Management System (SAF 018)
·         Practical Risk Assessment (SAF 019)
·         Accident Investigation Skills (SAF 020)
·         Gas Detection and Permit To Work (SAF 021)
·         Fall Protection & Prevention (SAF 022)
·         Safety Inspection (SAF 023)
·         Internal Safety Audit (SAF 024)
·         Managing Safety for Contractor (SAF 025)
·         How to Develop Safety Manual (SAF 026)
·         Mining Operations Safety
·         Waste Management (SAF 028)
·         Shop Safety (SAF 029)
·         Drug Free Workplace (SAF 030)
·         Pollution Prevention (SAF 027)

Multimedia and Software Services
We produce various tailored QHSE subjects in Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS), VCD formats and IT computer media as well as software for QHSE programs, i.e.:
·         Safety Induction
·         Risk Assessment
·         Behavior-Based Safety
·         Accident/Incident Investigation and Reporting
·         Safety Inspection/Audit
·         Etc.

Industrial Hygiene & Environmental Monitoring Services
·         Noise (dBA)
·         Dust (mg/m3)
·         Illumination (lux)
·         Toxic (Sox, Nox, SO, H2S, Benzene, Toluene & Xylene)
·         Welding Fumes (Cadmium, Cromium, Lead, Fe, Nickel)
·         Drinking Water (pH, Conductivity, Turbidity, TSS, etc.)
·         Waste Water (COD, BOD, Phenol Total, TSS, pH, etc.) Noise (dBA)
·         Dust (mg/m3)
·         Illumination (lux)
·         Toxic (Sox, Nox, SO, H2S, Benzene, Toluene & Xylene)
·         Welding Fumes (Cadmium, Cromium, Lead, Fe, Nickel)
·         Drinking Water (pH, Conductivity, Turbidity, TSS, etc.)
·         Waste Water (COD, BOD, Phenol Total, TSS, pH, etc.)

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